
Showing posts from February, 2021

AJ's Adventures in Lymes Disease (Get to know the Blogger)

This exact page of Blog posts has mentioned the ailments I have gone through in the past 2 years. I think now is a good time to expand and elaborate on what exactly I, as a person am being put through every day. You will read my story and learn all about Lymes Disease. I hope in some small way the point of today's post can be to raise awareness for those who are affected by this horrific crippling life-altering disease. Hearing anyone's story is enough to feel lots of empathy, but I wanted the main topic that involves what encompasses most of my life in these recent years, and what is the most critical aspect. Right now it's the disease I'm fighting with every day. It is my demon, and I have to slay it, and I want you to be as informed about this kind of hardship, and how it affects people. By explaining my journey it gives people a look into the enigma that is the elusive Lymes Disease. Before I go into my Journey I would like to mention that you should absolutely look