
Showing posts from September, 2020

Blog Constituting Thoughts on the Constitution and Liberty and Such- Avela

 The US constitutions inception was a very complex affair and after research I'm astonished it got us this far. Though not without its tribulations, like civil wars and the freedom of press dividing a lot of this country through political views. However the final product, I believe, is much better then anyone could've hoped for. Freedom means being able to express dislike. Our limited freedom is what makes our liberty tangible and more open to discussion then through violence. Even when there is violence there is discussion to work through it, in efforts to collaborate just like the founding fathers. There was an original collaboration discussing what it meant to be a society under a ruling faction that didn't have complete dominion over its subjects. They carved out what it mean't to be an individual because that was what was worth independence, and through a decade long creative process we decided to involve multiple layers of empowerment among institutions. After the

Post Number 1: My Top News Sources

My Top News Sources: Prelude: I would like to add that I want to be honest with these, and will be adding tp what I believe is news. Surface level as maybe. Thanks and Hope you learn something about me based on where I get my informations from. In order from most to least. 1. Has outlets for all media pop culturally, and video game related. I learn what comes out, what new media looks like, What content is bred from certain media, and what people I care to know about are doing.  2. Explore- While you could count friends media on instagram as news related to what they're doing, and me having an interest in that information. I can also say for certain that I get a lot of similar media and content out of instagrams explore. It even groups what you want to browse. Whatever well of information I want to dive into I choose a topic and browse, and I learn current evens relating to those topics, from movies to world events. 3