Post Number 1: My Top News Sources

My Top News Sources:

Prelude: I would like to add that I want to be honest with these, and will be adding tp what I believe is news. Surface level as maybe. Thanks and Hope you learn something about me based on where I get my informations from.

In order from most to least.

Has outlets for all media pop culturally, and video game related. I learn what comes out, what new media looks like, What content is bred from certain media, and what people I care to know about are doing. 

2. Explore-
While you could count friends media on instagram as news related to what they're doing, and me having an interest in that information. I can also say for certain that I get a lot of similar media and content out of instagrams explore. It even groups what you want to browse. Whatever well of information I want to dive into I choose a topic and browse, and I learn current evens relating to those topics, from movies to world events.

I can't say I use they're website, but Fox News on spectrum tv channels specifically is where I learn a lot about mostly political opinion laced with current news. And of course I have right wing agenda to soak in which my dad is fond of and it's what we watch together

On the flip side we have the news and political agenda and opinions of the left, and its where I get news from when my mother is around to watch the news. Again, can't say I have the luxury of the using of the website, but on spectrum tv here at home theres plenty of world news to consume and another agenda to ,once again, soak in.

Now snapchat only exists as an app, but it is a truer news outlet than I would say instagram and youtube. There are sections and sections worth of information linking to articles about all sorts of topics. Admittedly it is the one I use the least because it's a lot of highly opinionated and dare I say "cringe." not that there isn't any cringe on the other sites I use, but it most definitely has the most surface level non appealing subject matter to be frank.

Pretty surface level stuff I don't actively seek out media, I seek out entertainment and Media follows me wherever I go. Even on the most basic of platforms, not including the two biggest news corporations ever. Which has been unavoidable in their own way.


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