A.J. Blorg: Your Online Presence this Christmas

M'first Instagram Photo circa May 2014

 This is an interesting concept to explore and explain through this medium. I like explaining my thoughts through this medium as it helps me comprehend my own understanding and opinions better when they are written out. Now writing about my position within the internet will help me understand my online footprint a little more clearly.

    It's interesting how I mentioned not usually explaining and writing out my opinions online. That type of online interaction is reserved for Twitter from what I've come to understand as I don't have one. I think of Instagram as photo-based, Twitter as opinion and statement-based, and Facebook as a middle ground between messages and photos. To begin, I would like to state for the record that I have no Twitter, I have a Facebook, but it is unused by me much like many of my peers. Instagram is where my biggest footprint is. There are at least half a decades worth of archived photos. I have a private account for close friends with controversial content, and some other ones for some random reasons. Youtube is where another one of my footprints is and I will explore the important ones with greater detail and significance within each.

    My Instagram has been a fun part of my Online experience. I'm never one to post consistently per se. I would say many of my male peers post one impactful most every half a year. I've noticed the women we follow tend to post often, but I would say most of my peers are all aware of each other's presence and we all like each other photos and will continue to for the foreseeable future. It's been a long long time since I've posted anything on my main public account that my family and friends all have access to, in a limited capacity compared to my control over an Instagram account. My fake Instagram or, "finsta" has a little more buzz. It's for close friends where I can say controversial and unfiltered things. Some have been crossing the line, I can admittedly a, but most things that could get me, "canceled" have since been removed. Along with my friends following suit on theirs. It seems like our online footprint is aware of the current PC culture and getting on the bad side of that could spell trouble for your future image. So it's nice to be conscious of that kind of area of things

    Snapchat is one of my other footprints but is very personal among the people you're direct messaging. You can broadcast to a large number of followers that you have, but mostly it's like texting specific people. The largest footprint would be a safe and pleasant post broadcast to at most 100 people.

    I think it's fair to make mention of the fact I have a youtube presence through starring in videos to editing and receiving credit for other videos, and sometimes both. However, Youtube and Google have ways of observing your patterns based on videos you watch not anything I'm directly in. All the stuff I'm in in the meantime is all safe content and family-friendly for the most part. Simpsons levels of inappropriateness at the most.

    Thinking about where I give my information to. It's a website that I have a gaming investment in. Other websites may have me involved with them through professional means or educational means. I think the consequences end up being a loaded inbox. But otherwise, I feel like giving my email is nothing compared to how programs like Instagram and Youtube are monitoring me. At the end of the day, my image off the internet is what you will see of me through an online search of everything I've ever done. I'm not famous yet but will see how that image changes over time.

Youtube Video and Channel



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