The Illusory Truth Effect: As Presented by my Classmates, and reinforced Upon in M'own Way

 This concept is the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure.

    It is interesting because this simple concept with a simple name is actually very applicable to our class and our society as we know it and live it. It's extremely on topic with everything we have been discussing. For instance, we know that companies are controlling every aspect of their applications to send us information. Each website knows you and distributes the information you receive accordingly. This is where the concept applies. 

    You may not think this happens to you, but if you use google Twitter, or Instagram. These programs are making an algorithm and trying to learn exactly who you are and what you want to see. And what you want to see might be news, and might be the news you want. However, that news might not be true, but it's the one you want, so it's what you'll always get it.

    As one major example of one kind of effect of this concept, we can quickly look at the Systematic types of effects this concept can have. In general, it's incredibly easy for misinformation to spread quickly to huge numbers of people. Evidence suggests that even global politics have already been influenced by online campaigns, run by bad actors who only have to repeat the same thing over and over to help a lie gain traction. Scenarios like this literally insult the integrity of the institutions. So now more than ever we should be aware of this kind of Issue.

There's more to this concept, but my classmates broke it down and I should really just reiterate the fact that we need to be more aware of where we're getting our information from I found the website they used so I'd like to link it to get some of the most solid information on the topic.


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