Free Expression-Are these concepts upheld

 The values in this blog page are all very conceptual, but also very concrete in there meaning and stance. It is easy to take away a lot of insight from each and every one. They also seem very basic and well-rooted in our culture that every value almost seems obvious. To break everyone down in terms of your morals and your perspective shows how applicable every value is to what we see in our society and our communities

The first being Market Place of Ideas. When truth and falsehood are in conflict truth wins out and conflict enforces an even greater truth. This idea is very very human as opposed to just structurally sound. As humans, we are in conflict with our self truths and with each other's truths. After all the conflict, there ends up being a climax and however the truth affects us as humans, it ends up being more influential than any feeling to come before. It's a principle of human nature and it applies to me and it should apply to you.

Participation Self-government is maybe the most basic and easily applicable to the structure of our government and how it works hand in hand with our lives. It states how we need to be informed as citizens and that there needs to be almost a symbiotic relationship between our republic and us to have it function as it should. As one people.

Stable change as the most in common with our modern-day. This one seems like apart of the government's symbiotic relationship with society. How it allows us to speak out as citizens and criticize what we think is wrong. This one can be seen by many as a failure of our country. It failed to let our communities "vent" like it says in its description, and now there is anarchy because of of of of a suppressive like a response to decades of unrequited racism. For the most part, venting does take place in society, but our country failed one group of people entirely. Hence the chaos.

Self-fulfillment is a beautiful concept. It lets so many of us create our identities, and it's what every government should hope to grant its communities and cultures. If this is a concept in your culture and country you can believe in yourself and identity leading to a fulfilled life.

Check on Governmental Power is another infrastructural aspect of our government regarding its symbiotic relationship with its citizens using us as a check and balance and being able to create change. It requires unification but with all the differing opinions in this day and age, it's hard to Unite as a true check and hard to know what we are checking, considering the shadiness of the government. This is another failure of our government, but while people speak out against our government it shows these values teeth and impact.

Promoting Tolerance should be a value we have as humans, and as a value of the expression in our country it's important we know what acceptable behavior is. Unfortunately, there are people so disillusioned with perspectives on the great of good and right and wrong that communities can go on and involve discrimination and condemnation of groups of people. Some of these beliefs are so deeply rooted that it's hard to pin down and our society suffers from intolerance like a poison. A poison that festers into chaos and anarchy because of an inability to act upon it.

Protect dissent, ending on a simple value that packages our symbiotic relationship as a society to function togther. It gives everyone an equal voice in favor of what they believe in. Through suppression of deep-rooted discrimination, it has been hard for society to give every group that equal voice. But no matter what everyone is supposed to have it, and should use it whenever they have to to to need to call upon that voice. Even when you're alone you are not a minority. Like you are never alone.

These concepts are deeply rooted and problematic, but they show that through these values we can achieve a culture that is tolerant and fair, and kind. In this grey world is hard to imagine that being possible. However, I believe we are just as capable of extraordinary good as we are evil. We just have to follow the right path.


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