General Information On Video Games from a gamer

My mother told me that my knowledge of video games would never be of use to me. She has been disproven over the years because video games are an industry much like any other. Being a regular consumer and participant in the industry, not only do I have insider knowledge, but through connection to the industry's biggest media outlets, I have a great understanding of how the industry and the community that engages in the industry operate. It ended up being a great experience to explain what I know about everything regarding video games as a concept and a culture. My mother will be happy to know that the knowledge I possess is now useful to people. As my goal is to inform.

A computer game is a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on a screen for the sake of entertainment. A video game is essentially the same form of entertainment but refers not only to games played on a personal computer but also to games run by a console or arcade machine.

How generally can video games be described by a gamer that understands them backward and forwards:

Above is the google definition of what a video game is generally speaking. This font and presentation lifted directly from my presentation which effectively conveyed the presentation of classic games where the words are in your face, "get your attention." types of messages. What it comes down to is just being a game that you play. Much like basketball and baseball. These games have hundreds of sports. You can make any game competitive, and casual. The possibilities for programable games are endless in capacities that our reality could never achieve in a detailed compacity. It's a medium that relies on art and imagination, that relies on genre and creativity. Some games don't even fit into specific genres that's how large the possibilities of online games are. Not to mention the inclusivity of certain games lobbying up to 10s of 10s of 10s of people which regular sports never manage, plus improved communication features which connects countless gamers around the globe. It takes what is great about global communication, and implements it into computer games. Making for communities the likes of which the world has never seen before.

Important History of Games as presented to my class:

Early days

  • The 1950s&60s: First demonstrations through research labs and institutions. 
  • The 1970s: Failed launch of first home game console leads into arcade games. Atari makes it into homes by end of the '70s.
  • The early 1980s: Donkey, Space invaders, Pac man, All exist at this point.
  • In the late 1980s: the industry crash until the hardware is improved by Nintendo.
Modern Age
  • The 1990s: The console wars begin and there is notable competition within the industry with Microsoft and Sony.
  • 1995: Handheld systems are introduced.
  • 2005: High definition Age of gaming begins.
The 2010's: Multibillion-dollar industry with top of the line graphics and hardware. With the highest response graphics and gameplay.

The important things to know about video games:

  • Video games have huge budget movie development these days and take even longer to make.
  • Triple-A titles(games) are top of the line in terms of the video games being made. They come from large corporations.
  • The Video game industry doesn't get nearly as much attention as the movie industry. So companies must find other ways of making money besides one time purchases of games.
  • Controversy surrounds the methods companies use to earn more money from consumers.
  • Streaming video games is a new popular market and a good and achievable way to make money by video gaming and broadcasting what one player does.
Modern Age Genre. What the landscape looks like.

MMO/RPG(creativity and scenarios)

Gaming Communities(those are all people)

FPS graphics on beautifully rendered displays

h this link will bring you to a website for a program that houses millions of online games. Browse Genres and see what would catch your eye


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