The Diffusion Theory:Marvel Cinematic Universe Owned by disney

    Before I began learning and comprehending the theory that you have put on display I took note of the word diffusion. It's the most important aspect of the theory especially since it's named after it. The place I hear and know that word from my own experience is in my school Biology classes. Luckily I took it just last school year so it's fresh in my mind mostly. Anyway, I came to the early conclusion this theory involves a type of integration. After further exploring the theory I came to realize that our professor wants this theory applied on a large scale. Whether it be country or community scale, this is in regard to how something, and it could really be anything, diffuses into a culture. Our culture is the most important to examine so lets apply something in our age that Diffuses right into being an important aspect of our culture

The graph that displays how something integrates

    I'm using the Marvel cinematic Universe as my example. A saga of around 22 movies made under the same company all following the same grandiose storyline, and all made under one company, Disney. Let's relate the integration of this step by step while using the graph. Marvel are the innovators because they started this with the movie Iron Man. Each aspect can be as complex as we want because our society has a lot of aspects. 

    First, to explain early adopters, I would like to reference our teacher's story about the first time he used email. It was difficult, but he knew the technology was new and could be effective for his future job and life. This made him an early adopter. His example was based on email, but in my Marvel example the Marvel Movie started out good, and all people had to do to adopt was enjoy and be on board and commit to seeing more movies. There are also late adopters, my topic's reason could happen over a long time span. In the beginning, Marvel was safe with its movie subject matter, and not owned by Disney. Then they kept existing and delivered on the promise of an ultimate movie crossover. So if the first movies didn't hook people the crossover movie got the late adopters and put marvel on the map. Not only were there more of an audience because of the late adaptors, but Disney was a late adaptor and realized the potential of Marvel, and bought it in the first third of its lifespan. So like I mentioned flexibility in dealing with our society and a product diffusing itself. A lot of different parties can play similar roles be it corporations or the general public. Which is why I figured this movie franchise was a good example of modern diffusion as all this happens in the 2010s.

    Late adaptors are the audience that isn't impressed by the loud action and quippy adventure and good versus bad plots. Sometimes people and items aren't compatible, hence people don't adapt. These people become the group that comes after the tipping point, and they always exist. However, the longer things stay around the more they can impress people and evolve. Through evolution through existing still within the mainstream, more people can get on board. What I described can be applied to many Ideas of our society, and it exactly applies to what Marvel did. It grew and changed and more people accepted it. Eventually, marvel hit its tipping point and became one of the most successful movie franchises of all time. That's because everyone everywhere was on board and Marvel's share skyrocketed to make the most money out of every movie.

However, people still dislike it. In this franchise's case, it comes down to non-compatibility with some people. People who don't participate in things are gaining things. Self-awareness and knowledge are bliss and with things, people going without social media may be good for their mental stability from my perspective. In Marvel's cases, this one franchise innovated in a way no one else has done before. That, however, is its main issue because it's so popular, but it's so specific that some people will never like it. This is bad because Marvel is the only thing to do what it did which is one of the greatest achievements in cinema, and if you don't enjoy what they made then you are out of luck. I think there is room for a good aspect and it's what the people that never liked it has been trying to do. Innovate and make anew. Through the passion of what existed and knowing what kind of possibilities exist for movies, the "laggards" can preserve and create.

I hope my choice of integration applied for this very important and intriguing theory. I believe for different innovations the positives compared to negatives of not participating are different as well. That's why this theory is so effective. It displays the exact impact technology or new idea has while also charting its success and some of its failures. I'm glad I got to explore this theory based on a thing I really like that I believe applies well.


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