Modern Day Contested American Dichotomies

 These days there is as much a wellspring for examples of constitutional chaos as there was back in the days of the early civil rights protests throughout the late 1900s. There truly is a lot to be contested, or rather our constitution is being contested by those who think they are upholding our most basic of rights as citizens. 

There is meant to be freedom of and from the religion, of speech, of the press, of assembly, and to petition. These days people seem to combine them all into one big giant free pass for the chaos the brews in our cities and towns.

What people need to realize is that they need to separate the ways they take action, because when the question is what does the first amendment actually protect, the answer is it protects our inaction. Not meaning doing nothing, but our physical inaction. What is protected is what we think and what we believe.

In Portland, the protests of the BLM and other groups are constantly at a breaking point. People are scared and angry and looking for blame. When they blame the country and they're angry society pays the price. In a lot of ways, it's hard to be equipped for such a mass uprising of the public. It looks as though it's uncontrollable. Under the Constitution of the United States, these "protesters" arent protected. They are taking action against a target making it completely unprotected by our countries oldest laws making for a very very lawless society in a lot of places.

There have been killings and riotings and lootings throughout our cities on top of what seems like a never-ending spread of horrific killer disease. It's a hard time to be an American. But stand up for what is right and stand against lawlessness and anarchy through the constitution that built our nation's highest morals. Although it can seem like a grey world are rules as a country feels like a great force of good. If we work with it, we can be a source of good as well 

: Modern Anarchy and Controversy in Portland


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