Cassette tape review

    This Blorg will be a small reflection of my previous post regarding technology. As opposed to seeing how one type of technology can evolve over the years. We can talk about something that couldn't evolve. Cassette tapes are what couldn't keep up with the times. Thanks to the efforts of my class I was able to get a good picture of the rise and fall of this specific type of technology.

    This technology began around the time Video games were in their fetal stages in 1962 in Belgium. Known as the cassette tape, it was made as an attempt to develop a new standard for audio storage. This type of technology would allow easy access to recordable audio without being a member of the government. So as we can see from its early history it's extremely influential towards the technology we use and is a stepping stone for a type of technology that we couldn't imagine a world without.

    Its popularity peaked in the '80s and was mainstream in America starting back in the '60s for obvious reasons of it being the only technology of its time that did what it did. Sony even adapted the technology for portable music. However when the 2000s rolled around, and more compact and efficient storage and functionality were introduced in the form of CDs. The cassettes faded into history and were not needed by the general public. 

    It was interesting hearing the cassette's story and doing a little further research I come to a conclusion when comparing my subject matter to theirs for a final overview. When looking at the cassette it was revolutionary in terms of what it was able to do with recording sound once being impossible. With something so revolutionary and niche, it was bound to be improved upon through other methods. With my topic of Video games, it was a medium that was built on the back of what a computer was able to accomplish. So while video games were able to develop with their synergetic counterpart. The cassette tapes were phased out to allow for brand new technology that was better every way. Now, what once was the cassette tape is a function that any technological tool can accomplish today. This Includes
my Nintendo DS, now with new and improved infinitely more functions.


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