
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Illusory Truth Effect: As Presented by my Classmates, and reinforced Upon in M'own Way

 This concept is the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure.     It is interesting because this simple concept with a simple name is actually very applicable to our class and our society as we know it and live it. It's extremely on topic with everything we have been discussing. For instance, we know that companies are controlling every aspect of their applications to send us information. Each website knows you and distributes the information you receive accordingly. This is where the concept applies.       You may not think this happens to you, but if you use google Twitter, or Instagram. These programs are making an algorithm and trying to learn exactly who you are and what you want to see. And what you want to see might be news, and might be the news you want. However, that news might not be true, but it's the one you want, so it's what you'll always get it.     As one major example of one kind of effect of this concept, we can qui

A.J. Blorg: Your Online Presence this Christmas

M'first Instagram Photo circa May 2014  This is an interesting concept to explore and explain through this medium. I like explaining my thoughts through this medium as it helps me comprehend my own understanding and opinions better when they are written out. Now writing about my position within the internet will help me understand my online footprint a little more clearly.      It's interesting how I mentioned not usually explaining and writing out my opinions online. That type of online interaction is reserved for Twitter from what I've come to understand as I don't have one. I think of Instagram as photo-based, Twitter as opinion and statement-based, and Facebook as a middle ground between messages and photos. To begin, I would like to state for the record that I have no Twitter, I have a Facebook, but it is unused by me much like many of my peers. Instagram is where my biggest footprint is. There are at least half a decades worth of archived photos. I have a private

Final Blorg: AJ Vela and the State of Humanity as he knows it

  All Pictures Involve original Archived Highschool Online Tomfoolery To Give Example of its Everyday use     The brand new era is upon humanity. That may very well be a stretch, but as far as I am concerned I have gone through 20% of what I will experience in life. I remember finishing off 5th grade in 2010 at my 10% point thinking that I had so much wisdom living through all 5 years of school. So now I find it funny that I am currently in a similar mindset as the decade is finishing again. Now, this blog isn't going to be about me, it's about humanity and how it's been shaped over the past recent decades. I think the key to really understanding the changes in humanity is through the way I experience the most humanity. That would be through myself and through the community that is our society how I perceive it.      Anyone who is living as an active member of our communities and society will know that we have developed so much of our recent culture by way of a major planet

What if we Integrated Vertically? A Comprehensive Explanation

      Unfortunately, I missed my class presentation on a topic I had done my research for and was prepared to explain. Here I wish to lay out my information clearly, but the public speaking over the computer practice would've helped me a little. Despite that, I'd like to explain Vertical Integration and how we see it in today's communities and cultures.    Definition:     A company has full control and ownership over its all assets, to get overall control of the value of all of the companies said assets. While requiring a lot of upfront investment, which is seen as the main detriment to the strategy, this method of control is usually used for the benefit of companies. Example:      My classmate who did her presentation used a great example which I will list here. Netflix is a company using vertical integration to a very clear degree. They begin as a DVD rental business before moving into online streaming of films and movies licensed from major studios. Then Netflix realized

The Scariness of Technology

     I looked at some of the TED talks and they're very informative. However, nothing compares to the way I reacted to a Netflix documentary known as the Anti-social Network. I hope it's okay for my professor if I go in-depth about this documentary because I think the same things I mention directly apply to what he's looking for.     While having Corney sketches mixed within it the documentary, they conclude and become very impactful among everything else the documentary tells its audience. They revolve around kids trying to go without their phones, and how it literally breaks some of these people's mentality to not have them. The impact on children can't be understated as social media is essentially the other half of your world, or how you view your world depending on the ways you look at it.  Either scenario is bad, and I'm aware that I grew up at the beginning of the social media stage without being fully immersed, and I believe I can say the same for my age

The Diffusion Theory:Marvel Cinematic Universe Owned by disney

     Before I began learning and comprehending the theory that you have put on display I took note of the word diffusion. It's the most important aspect of the theory especially since it's named after it. The place I hear and know that word from my own experience is in my school Biology classes. Luckily I took it just last school year so it's fresh in my mind mostly. Anyway, I came to the early conclusion this theory involves a type of integration. After further exploring the theory I came to realize that our professor wants this theory applied on a large scale. Whether it be country or community scale, this is in regard to how something, and it could really be anything, diffuses into a culture. Our culture is the most important to examine so lets apply something in our age that Diffuses right into being an important aspect of our culture The graph that displays how something integrates          I'm using the Marvel cinematic Universe as my example. A saga of around 22

Cassette tape review

     This Blorg will be a small reflection of my previous post regarding technology. As opposed to seeing how one type of technology can evolve over the years. We can talk about something that couldn't evolve. Cassette tapes are what couldn't keep up with the times. Thanks to the efforts of my class I was able to get a good picture of the rise and fall of this specific type of technology.     This technology began around the time Video games were in their fetal stages in 1962 in Belgium. Known as the cassette tape, it was made as an attempt to develop a new standard for audio storage. This type of technology would allow easy access to recordable audio without being a member of the government. So as we can see from its early history it's extremely influential towards the technology we use and is a stepping stone for a type of technology that we couldn't imagine a world without.     Its popularity peaked in the '80s and was mainstream in America starting back in the &

General Information On Video Games from a gamer

My mother told me that my knowledge of video games would never be of use to me. She has been disproven over the years because video games are an industry much like any other. Being a regular consumer and participant in the industry, not only do I have insider knowledge, but through connection to the industry's biggest media outlets, I have a great understanding of how the industry and the community that engages in the industry operate. It ended up being a great experience to explain what I know about everything regarding video games as a concept and a culture. My mother will be happy to know that the knowledge I possess is now useful to people. As my goal is to inform. A computer game is a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on a screen for the sake of entertainment. A video game is essentially the same form of entertainment but refers not only to games played on a personal computer but also to games run by a console or arcade machine. How general